"In a world where commercial food is commonly used and is backed as “high quality” even after our pets suffer countless illnesses and diseases, in an ever increasing rate, responsible pet parents need to consider alternative routes to optimize companion pet’s health to provide them with the tools to sustain a longer, vibrant, and thriving life." -Perfectly Rawsome
Millions of pets suffer from preventable illnesses, diseases and allergies and they are increasing at alarming rates. But what is the solution? In most cases, it boils down to a healthy diet.
Here are some of the many benefits of feeding raw:
Stronger Immune System
Stabilized Energy Levels
Ideal Weight Maintenance
Improved Coat Condition
Smaller & Less Odorous Stools
White Teeth & Fresh Breath
If you are interested in learning more about feeding raw there are many great online resources. Make sure you do your homework before taking the plunge so you don't make these common Beginner Mistakes.
There tend to be myths associated
with many growing movements, and raw diets are no exception. These myths are often created without a full understanding of the diet or how the diet impacts a pet’s life. Do you know the difference?
Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) is a raw diet consisting of raw muscle meat and meaty bones, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. It is designed as a modified homemade diet that is free of all processed foods.
The Prey Model Raw (PMR) is a raw diet consisting of whole, wild prey animals and does not include plant ingredients. It mimics the natural diet of thier wild ancestors and is free of all processed foods and grains.
7505 183rd Ave SW Unit A, Rochester, WA 98579, US
Call (360) 273-7440 or Text (360) 277-6113
Our last business day will be Saturday, March 29th. Please click the link for more information.